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1.What are the 7 major differences between our SEO services vs. our competition?
Guaranteed lowest prices on the Internet
Unlimited keywords
100% money-back results guarantee
Free Keyword Research Analysis Report
Free Submission to 1000+ Search Directories
24-hour worldwide customer support
No-set up fees or hidden costs
2.What are the major differences if we use your SEO services vs. doing-it-yourself?
Benefits of using Aeonet Inc.
100% money back results guarantee
Positive results within 4 months
Doing SEO successfully for 10 years
Track record w/100's of clients
Generate the most popular typed in keywords
Generate monthly Keyword Visibility reports
Generate hundreds to thousands of optimized web pages
Monthly overall performance analysis
Disadvantages of using doing it yourself or in-house
Learning how SEO software's work and applying SEO
Time and labor daily intensive work
Waiting months to discover how your optimized pages perform
Manual web page generation and optimization
Limited access to good keyword selections
IT professionals are not trained at SEO
Industry General Disadvantages
No schools for learning all about SEO
Competing against billions of existing web pages
1/1,000,000 chance of success
Competing against 10,000 newly submitted sites daily
3.What exactly do you do?
We create massive visibility online on multiple keyword searches for our client's websites across the major Internet Search Engines like, Yahoo, Google, AOL and MSN all within the Top-20 listings, where 85% of website are found statistically. We design 100's and 1,000's of web pages to meet the search engine's algorithms in order to give the best chance that our keyword web pages will be the highest ones ranked once we submit them to the engines.
4.Why does the indexing time take 4 months?
There's a backlog because 10,000 new websites are being registered daily to the major Search Engines worldwide. It could take as little as a few days to a few weeks to get indexed, but we guarantee Top-20 keyword rankings by the 4th month after the first search engine submission date of your site. All you had to do 10 years ago is simply submit your website with one of the major Search Engines and your site would be indexed instantly, and most probably with good visibility, with access to billion people online. Those days are long gone.
5.How many keyword rankings should we order?
The decision is mainly weighted on your monthly budget, desire to expand your business and gain more market share online. The more keyword phrases we optimize for your website, the more on-line visibility, traffic and sales you will receive.
A keyword phrase is a one or more string of words. A string of three (3) words is most likely to be the most targeted. In any three-word phrase you can cover the name of the products and services, the type of buyer/seller, and a geographical location. For example, "buy car Chicago" or "discount tickets London".
6.How many words are optimal for a Keyword Phrase?
A keyword phrase is a one or more string of words. A string of three (3) words is most likely to be the most targeted. In any three-word phrase you can cover the name of the products and services, the type of buyer/seller, and a geographical location. For example, "buy car Chicago" or "discount tickets London".
7.Who generates and decides on the selection of keyword phrases?
We will generate a FREE comprehensive Keyword Research Analysis Report on thousands of most popular typed in keywords in your business, side by side with the daily hits those keyword phrases receive, all in ranking order. All that you will need to do then is to edit out the keywords that you don't want, and then email us back the final approved list to be used for your websites Search Engine Optimization.
8.Why do we need to sign a License Agreement?
The SEO License Agreement protects both parties. To perform our SEO services, we require full access to your web host server's FTP to upload our optimized pages. So the License Agreement protects you from any security risk. For the duration of our contract, we will be uploading our optimized pages (outside of your existing website pages) generated by our unique SEO software for the sole purpose of positioning your website's keywords within the Top-20 positions across the 20 major Search Engines.
9.What is your Money Back Guarantee policy?
PRODUCT GUARANTEE - We guarantee that within 4-months time that your website will have achieved at least the minimum number of Top-20 keyword rankings across the major search engines according to the number of keywords ordered.
100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION POLICY - Any extra keyword rankings are always free-of-charge, and anything less is bill on a pro-rata basis after the 4th month. For example, if we over deliver anytime on a 50 keyword ranking order, the standard monthly fee of 89.95 will apply. If we only achieve 40 Top-20 keyword rankings between the 4th and 12th months of the contract, then 40/50 of the monthly billing will apply of US$71.99. And if we under perform by less than 50%, we will DOUBLE your order on another domain and hosting that we will purchase on your behalf.
10.Why do only guarantee Top-20 positions? Why not Top-10 or #1?
11.How long will our keyword rankings stay within the Top-20?
12.Do you guarantee traffic, and how much should we expect?
13.How many Search Engines do you cover?
14.What do you mean by a "Top-20 keyword ranking"?
15.What is "Search Engine Optimization" or SEO?
16.What is your order process if we decide to order?
17.What information is inside your monthly keyword visibility reports?
21.If we use your SEO services, will we be banned by any search engine?
From AEONetInc website: www.aeonetinc.com
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very difficult, but it will soon get much, much worse.
Six years ago you could easily count the firms doing SEO work. The number of sites competing for each search term were fewer, and the state of the art spamming tricks centered on white-on-white text and multiple title tags. Getting a top ranking out of the 50,000 results returned was relatively easy to accomplish because those 50k results were most often poorly optimized. Getting into the top 10 meant being in the top 0.02% of the 50k results, which is certainly not trivial, but easily accomplished when facing naﶥ competition. With a little effort site owners could do it themselves.
Now the tip of the iceberg is larger. Time has caused two things to happen: the SEO competition is trickier than 6 years ago, and the population of web sites is larger. There are now around 250,000 results for most 2-word searches, and the new sites are often tuned by SEO practitioners. Instead of needing to be in the top 0.02%, you now need to be in the top 0.005% of a more competitive group of pages. Such rankings are still possible, but beyond the ability of most site owners. You still need to be in the top 0.008% of all sites to be top 10.
But now we see that it is truly the tip of an iceberg. What we have never before seen is a massive amount of hidden content that previously resided behind the barriers inherent to dynamic content web sites. It has been estimated that the web is actually 500 times larger than the number of pages spidered to date. For the search engines the good news is that the 90:10 rule applies, and that by adding only 50 times more pages, instead of the 500 times predicted to exist as hidden pages, they will account for 90% of the frequently used content on the web.
For SEO practitioners, it means that rapid growth in the number of indexed pages is imminent. As a result, getting a top 10 ranking will soon mean getting a site ranked in the top 0.0002% of the results. Obviously this is not work for lesser SEO practitioners, and certainly beyond the capabilities of most site owners. In fact, I suspect that most SEO firms will be unable to satisfy their clients ranking requests (close, but no top 10) and there will be significant client dissatisfaction with SEO results, employing 3 or more SEO practitioners without success.
For web design firms, they will find that the rush to the web will come to a crawl. Many web designers will be hard pressed to find new business as prospective clients find search engine ranking beyond their financial reach. If so, I expect there to be renewed focus on alternate promotion activities such as PPC engines, ads, and yes, maybe even resurrected banners for the initial nine months or so for each SEO project. Now the numbers game starts. Suppose there are 200k results today to a 2-word query, and suppose there are only 50 times as many pages for each query.
I believe it is realistic to find ourselves with ten million pages in response to each inquiry within one to two years. Now suppose the average page starts in the middle (5,000,000), and that the average ranking can always be increased 90% with each consecutive "improvement". That means that after tweak 1 the ranking improves by 90% to 500k, tweak 2: ranking is now 50k, tweak 3: 5k, tweak 4: 500, tweak 5: 50, and tweak 6 may result in a top 10 ranking. Nobody can get 6 consecutive 90% gains facing increased competition from optimized sites without the right analysis tools and methodologies, and many tweaks may prove ineffective.
In fact, the effectiveness of consecutive tweaks diminishes, such that tweak one is 90%, two is maybe 75%, three is maybe 60% and so on. Remember, your competition is tweaking at the same time, and the search engines are constantly refining their algorithms to keep pace with this new content. And each consecutive tweak is more difficult than the previous due to the quality and quantity of the competition. This means that only the top SEO practitioners can ever attain a top 10 result for a meaningful keyword. The rest will just fade away.
Aside from the additional number of tweaks, each with a submission and spidering cycle of over three weeks (making this a much longer process than today, probably doubling the project schedule a year from now), the precision needed to rank a page well in one search engine will certainly disqualify that same page from a simultaneous top ranking in many search engines.
Pages that rank well today in many engines will find that their aggregated ranking will erode and sites will have to settle for ranking in only the three or four engines at a time. If a client wants other engines to rank their site, then they must tune additional pages, thus they will have to expand their content and Search Engine Optimization base to include many more pages within their site. Optimizing more pages is certainly the way to go, but it doubles or triples the work involved by the SEO practitioner. As a result, SEO practitioners have a much more difficult battle, they require much more sophisticated. integrated tools, and projects require more time.
They must optimize more pages, and thus they must inherently charge much more than today. If this is done top rankings are still very possible, but this becomes the realm of only the exceptionally competent (or very lucky) SEO practitioner. Expect a significant growth in the number of indexed pages and expect a fallout of those SEO practitioners that are no longer viable. You can also expect longer Search Engine Optimization schedules, expect fewer top rankings per optimized page (necessitating larger projects), and expect an increase in pricing of at least triple that paid today.
What this does to the entire web industry is to scare off those without the funds to participate in a competent SEO effort. What was once thought of as free now has a high cost-of-entry. And this will kill the web as a golden goose. It will cost much more to make money on the web, just like in a "real business".
The rewards are getting larger, but so is the cost. And as with the Emperors New Clothes, many SEO practitioners have been reluctant to discuss this transformation for fear of getting hurt (scaring off customers). I, for one, am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and do the hard work for the just rewards. But not everybody is as capable.
Many in the SEO industry are standing there naked, and it isn't a pretty picture. But it is time to expose the difficulties associated with SEO.
The moral of the story is that if your SEO practitioner doesn't show their actual client results, then look elsewhere, be patient and choose well. Feel free to visit our SEO Client Results now:
From AEONetInc website: www.aeonetinc.com